I turned 39 this week, an age I considered for maybe 39 minutes. I get it. I?m no longer pushing 40; I?m walking alongside it. Still, it doesn?t really bother me. I don?t feel much different than when I was 29.
Sure, there is extra hair in my hairbrush, extra lines by my eyes, and extra pounds on my scale, but that?s the stuff I notice while brushing my teeth. When I?m done flossing, I?m done caring.
Give me a suitcase, however, and I feel closer to 89.
I never used to pack my pillow. Whatever was around was good enough to dream on, up to and including my coat. A couple years ago, I nudged a disc out of my neck. Despite it nudging back in, I can?t sleep without my special orthopedic pillow. The fact that it is ?orthopedic? screams ?old.? The fact that I won?t sleep without it confirms this.
While I can justify the pillow, I can?t explain the laundry soap. I claim it?s for my daughter who has allergies, which is true, but, really, I can?t stand the scent of anything but original Tide.
Not always; just lately.
If space allows, I pack my own sheets. They aren?t a high thread count but they?re mine. Everything else is too scratchy or starchy or smoothy and I can?t sleep. I don?t know when this happened, just that it did.
If I could, I would pack my bed. I miss my bed more than I miss my dog when I travel. My bed isn?t anything special. I don?t remember researching mattresses. It?s just a queen-sized, poster-whatsits with a poufy top. Point is, it?s the only bed that doesn?t make my hips fall asleep.
And nothing makes me feel older than my hips falling asleep.
I struggle to eat when I?m away from my kitchen. I don?t have food allergies, diabetes, a political agenda or even vegetarianism, but I apparently I have a ?diet? that my body has grown accustom to and punishes me for violating.
I struggle to drink coffee that isn?t mine or even water that isn?t mine. I would never complain to my hosts. That?s beyond rude. Plus, it?s embarrassing. So, I smuggle. The best thing Starbucks ever produced are those instant coffee sticks. And bottled water is my friend. But, honestly, how did this happen? I was never a fussy eater and now I?m lining my suitcase with instant coffee.
Then, there are those foodstuffs I can?t smuggle ? a certain type of yogurt, a certain kind of apple, a certain brand of bread. I find myself making excuses to go to the store to find these items and I?m ridiculously giddy when I do.
Yes! Pomegranate DanActive! I?m saved!
I used to love eating while traveling. Oh, the sweets, treats and overeats! Not anymore. A couple restaurant meals and my grumpy guts grind to a halt. Soon I?m begging a ride to the nearest pharmacy to find ?my medicines.?
Forget 39 candles on a birthday cake. Rooting through acid controllers in a strange pharmacy is real Grim Reaper material.
Oh, well. I?ve made peace with the fact my bones will long for home long before my trip ends. And why not? The food is familiar, the bed is perfect and I feel young again.
Nicole L. V. Mullis can be reached at nlvm.columns@gmail.com
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