
LV White Castle offering free burgers Saturday - Pocono Record

To officially mark the opening of Pennsylvania's only White Castle, officials are giving away some freebies this Saturday.
The first 100 customers at the White Castle on Whitehall Township's MacArthur Road on Saturday will receive an insulated tote bag with a coupon for a free sack of 10 Sliders, the chain said.
The customer appreciation event is being held from 10 a.m. -- 2 p.m.
White Castle has been open for months now. The 2,500-square-foot restaurant, which sits on a flood plain, has been delayed since 2009 for a series of reasons.
The Ohio-based chain is known for its small burgers, dubbed sliders, and signature castle-like white buildings. The chain was celebrated in the 2004 comedy "Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle."
White Castle has announced plans to build a restaurant in the Pohatcong Plaza II on Route 22 in Phillipsburg.
The chain, which opened its first restaurant in Wichita, Kan., in 1921, has more than 400 locations around the country.

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