Photos of 2012 Republican presidential candidates wearing clown noses, an Adolf Hitler mustache drawn onto a profile picture of Barack Obama, and brochures about how to create jobs, impeach elected officials and what a LaRouche Democrat was sat on a table outside the Long Valley Post Office on Thursday.
The table, and accompanying information, was manned by Margaret Scialdone and Daniel Burke, two supporters of Diane Sare, a ‘LaRouche Democrat’ running for Congress in New Jersey.?
Sare, according to her website, has been working as a political organizer since the late 1980’s, when she learned about Lyndon LaRouche in Boston.
“We’re more of an insurgency into the Democratic party, than an actual part of it,” said Scialdone. “The Democratic party, since the 1960s, has really just become about sex and cutting budget.”
Passersby honked at the two campaigners and gave a thumbs up, as signs lined Old Farmers Road with the slogans “Stop World War III: Impeach Obama” and “No Bailout – Restore Glass- Steagall.”
When drivers would slow down or enter the post office parking lot, Burke would call to them, “Impeach King Obama. Come over and find out more.”
The two had set up shop, after alerting the Washington Township Police Department, at 9:30 a.m., and would stay until the post office closed on Wednesday.
“People hate Obama,” Scialdone said. “But they’re being brainwashed by the media that they can’t change it. That’s what we’re here for. This isn’t about moving pieces around. We need to completely flip over the chess board.”
Scialdone has been a political organizer since 1984, she said, while Burke is new to the game. He left his full time teaching job in February to dedicate his time to the Sare campaign.
And why the Hitler mustache for the country’s leader?
“Obama is just like Hitler,” Scialdone said. “He’s sending drones into other countries, killing people, including Americans.”
Sare’s supporters don’t discriminate their attacks, however. A photo showing Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich with superimposed clown noses and wigs reads, “Sick of the Clown Show? Don’t be a BOZO! Join LaRouche PAC.”
In fact, Scialdone said the difference between Obama and the previous administration isn’t very big.
“(Dick) Cheney ran the show under (George W.) Bush for those eight years,” Scialdone said. “Bush was an idiot. But Obama is like the son (Cheney) never had.”
While Sare’s campaign for Congress may be flying under the radar–she had to request her way into an upcoming political debate in Teaneck, Burke said–her supporters are certainly drawing attention, as they showed up in Hopatcong recently.
“Response has been pretty good here,” Scialdone said about traffic flow in Long Valley. “No one has been upset with us or bothered by our message. They've been listening.”
For now, the campaign will continue on, and supporters will drop into individual towns to spread the message.
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