At the Thursday meeting, Superintendent Jon Peterson went over the same numbers and possible solutions for lowering the budget as he previously presented to the board and the public.
Going over some items on the budget, Business Executive Sally Hadley cited a question that was brought up by Board member Kent Joesel regarding the telephone expense. Joesel said that after looking at Allegany-Limestone School District?s budget, their expense for telephones was much less then the C-LV district.
Hadley said the Allegany-Limestone district uses voice-over IP through BOCES. Although it is a minimal cost to their district presently, it costs about $200,000 to set up. Joesel asked Hadley to look into the payback the district would gain if it went with this change and how much would be paid to BOCES for the service.
Other mentions of items on the budget were: board of education budget, legal expenses, business office, secretary and superintendent expenses, curriculum expenses, tuition expenses, technology expenses, transportation expenses, and more.
Board member Heather Gunther asked Hadley if the district overbudgets for unemployment costs. Hadley replied ?no.?
Joesel asked Hadley to also get a list of items that were highly aidable and which were not. Hadley mentioned many BOCES services are 80 percent aidable.
Gunther asked what the aid amount was per student. Hadley will look into the answer.
Joesel asked to look into building and grounds materials and supplies and see if there could be a cut of even 10 percent.
Board member Dave Shinners and Joesel inquired about the amount of overtime put in by the building and grounds department. Also, to find out if mileage on the vehicle used in this department can be minimized.
At the end of the Thursday meeting, Hadley said she would look into budget numbers if both the Cattaraugus and Little Valley buildings were both kindergarten through fourth grades.
At the Tuesday meeting Hadley handed out a sample budget if this were the case. If that were the occurrence, no transitional kindergarten would be sustained due to low numbers.
In addition to the budget numbers, there was an additional expense included in the changes.
However, with projected state aid, piece of the fund balance, and concessions, the gap to reduce lessens, to around $150,000 if Little Valley was left open and appropriate changes were made.
The board has convened at special meetings to discuss important items like the budget and options regarding the budget.
A special meeting is set for Monday, April 9 at 6:30 p.m. at the Cattaraugus Campus followed by the regular meeting on Tuesday, April 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the Cattaraugus Campus.
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